Thursday, January 21, 2021

Eleanor's Birthday!

There have been some warm days sprinkled in these past few weeks and we run outside any chance we get!

The best combination - snow and sunshine. Eleanor played all afternoon with the shovel and I cuddled Adelaide in the sunshine. 

Babies sleeping peacefully is my favorite.

The kids love playing with our neighbors. The longer we live here, the more and more grateful I am that Heavenly Father guided us to this neighborhood. 

I made the best and easiest homemade bread. I plan to make more for the ladies I minister to. 

January 15 we celebrated our Eleanor! She's now THREE and so big! The boys made her cards with coins and candy inside. She was thrilled!

She got a tea set and some new books!

Her two friends came over for a little morning play date. Eleanor has been missing her friends since nursery, story time and play dates aren't happening regularly right now. 

Eleanor requested a Fancy Nancy cake. We had the best time decorating her cake together. 

When Aaron got home, we watched an episode of Fancy Nancy while eating pizza. She opened a few more presents and then we had cake! 

I found this makeup kit in the clearance aisle at Wal-mart during the after Christmas sale. I laughed looking at her make-up! Eleanor is a bright light of sunshine where ever she goes. She loves having friends around and is confident and independent and polite. She sings and dances and skips. We love Eleanor and pray she'll always be a bright source for good. 

Adelaide was holding tight to Aaron's finger one evening. And here are Adelaide's cute Sunday shoes. 

We've started this 2000 piece puzzle and I hope we get it finished soon because I'm ready to have my table cleared off. 

Since Eli turns EIGHT this year, he gets to participate in the primary activities held twice a month. He loves that activities and being with his friends. We're grateful for his leaders that are serving this bunch of growing boys!

I was able to capture a few of Adelaide's SMILES!!

This is a big year for Eli. The primary had a "Great to be 8" program after church on Sunday. Aaron attended with Eli and he feels excited/nervous about his upcoming baptism in MAY! 


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