Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year

We spent Dec. 31 cleaning our house, doing laundry, putting away our Christmas decorations and getting prepared for the new year! We're excited to study The New Testament and learn and grow this year as a family. It's crazy to think about 4 years ago when we studied the New Testament, Aaron was at training and then we were preparing to move to KC. 

Also, I forgot to add this picture from our traditional Bass Pro Santa visit. 

And here is our Old Testament timeline we completed this year. 

We're excited to have 9 am church! Aaron and I got up early and took time to pray and read the scriptures before the kids woke up. When Aaron went in to wake up the boys, he told me to go look outside. We laughed as we saw we had been toilet papered. We were positive it was the seminary kids. Turns out it was some of our friends who invited us to a party, but we kindly declined because we were exhausted. We had a good laugh with them at church today and we did feel loved. 

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