Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Just today.

We stopped by Rita's today for some Italian ice.
 It was our first time trying the delicious summer treat and we can't wait to go back!

Tonight was taco Tuesday.
(No, I won't make Aaron eat tacos every Tuesday, but tonight I liked the alliteration.)

I forgot to tell you!
On Saturday evening, we drove to Fredericksburg, VA to have dinner with my cousins, the ones I lived with when I was an intern during the summer of 2005. Aaron and I were only an hour apart from each other that summer. He asked why I never stopped by his house.
I reminded him that he was just a senior in H.S. when I was a senior in college. I just told him I wasn't interested in dating immature young high school boys then. He's sooooo much more mature now. ;)

Hello, Potomac River. Nice to meet you. 

The high tomorrow is 97 degrees. Mandatory beach day. 


Mary Beth Volk said...

Oh how I miss Rita's!!! Have a Watermelon Italian Ice with Gelato on the bottom and top for me plllleease! :)

Cameron, Shannon Voge said...

Well look at you two...Mr. and Mrs. Very cute couple and love love love the blog... I'm verging on stalker I'm sure, but I love the constant updates, I need to take notes from you :)