Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Happy March!

No, I decided not to do anything for this month, but I do have some fun ideas to share:

100 Happy Days - Every day submit a picture of something that made you happy that day. It's a cute idea!

Spread Sunshine All Month Long - Help spread sunshine every day of any month! Another cute idea!

Here's a pic of what makes me so happy:

 He's 10 months old already and I start getting teary-eyed when I think about him turning 1 in April. I love having a little shadow all day long. When I'm washing the dishes, he crawls over to the kitchen and sits by my feet. When I'm cooking dinner, he crawls over and sits by my feet. When I'm playing the piano, he crawls over and sits by my feet. He's like my little fan club and I love it! :) 

Eli's accomplished so much in a year that I often ask myself if I've grown as much as he has. He smiles and waves to everyone and it makes me so happy that he wants to be friends with everyone. When I took him to the Dr. for his 9 month check-up last month, I had to complete a questioner that asked if he has "stranger danger." I selected no and then submitted the form. As the medical tech walked us back to the room to check Eli's height and weight, he said hi to Eli and Eli waved. As the tech took the measurements he needed, Eli just laughed and talked with him. After we'd seen the Dr., the tech came in to set up an appointment for Eli's 1 year appointment. The tech smiled and said, "I laughed when you selected that he doesn't have stranger danger! I could tell that the second I walked you two back to the room that he's a friendly guy!" 

I love that he's so friendly {although I do know we'll have to teach him about the danger of trusting strangers when he's older!}

In "The Happiness Project," author Gretchen Rubin talks about her little daughters and says, "The days are long, but the years are short. It sounds like something from a fortune cookie, but it's true. Each day, each phase of life seems long, but the years pass so quickly; I wanted to appreciate the present time, the seasons, this time of life." 

 I love being at home and watching Eli grow! {I purposefully schedule 2 or 3 days a week where we just stay home the whole day - no grocery shopping, not running quick errands, no meeting up with friends. Eli naps better. We eat healthier. We spend time reading. I love it.}

 Anyway, Aaron was off yesterday due to the snow, so we spent the day cleaning, organizing, reading and giggling. 

Aaron made this for dinner - Shrimp Quinoa. Soooo good. 

Our FHE lesson was coloring this:

Hope you're having a great week and happy new month!


Alex said...

How did I not know he hada little top tooth? Squeeze him for me:)

Unknown said...

Is he coloring already? He's just such a happy sweet boy, I want to give him a huge hug. I'm so sad we don't live closer. What a fun snow day you guys had. And of course - I always love the Gretchen Rubin references!!

Aaron and Amanda said...

I'm positive by next monh, he'll have a whole mouth full of teeth! Of course I'll squeeze him for you! :)

Aaron and Amanda said...

Several times this week at the mall play place and library time, I've wished you guys loved closer so we could hang out all day everyday!!

Aaron and Amanda said...

And love you! ;)