Monday, November 9, 2015

A rough one

Last week was a rough one! After Aaron got sick Friday night/Saturday, Austin got sick Sunday. Both boys had bad colds. Besides being sick, Austin was also teething. It was an exhausting week, but we all survived. 

Eli loves yogurt and after I let him eat some, I remember why I don't let him eat some every time he asks. It's quite the mess to clean up.

In an effort to get everyone feeling healthy again, we stayed home for three days. It's amazing what I can get accomplished when we don't leave the house. We had a bunch of apples that were getting softer than we like to eat, so I made some applesauce. It's delicious, if I do say so myself. :)

One of Eli's activities during our stay-at-home-so-everyone-gets-better days was taking pics on my phone. I love this one!

Thursday was our stake day at the temple. Unfortunately, Aaron wasn't able to get the day off because it was a big week with the Air Force/Army game on Saturday. Thanks, Alex, for watching our boys so I was able to attend. The highlight was when a worker at the temple ask me how old my boys are. When I replied they are 2 and 1/2 and 8 months, he said, "Oh, they really do grow so fast and some day you'll look back and miss these days and wish you would have spent more time with them." I smiled. Little did that gentleman know what an exhausting week I had, but his words were exactly what I needed to hear. I love going to the temple.

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