Thursday, May 19, 2016

A small change

I feel like blogs have kind of faded out a bit, but I love keeping a blog and looking back at our family adventures from the different places we've lived. Having a blog has also helped me stop and recognize the small blessings and happy times there are in motherhood. 

Anyway - I'm not sure who really reads my blog or wants to continue following along, but I've decided to change my blog to private. I'm happy to invite my friends and family that still read so if you'd like an invite, please send me your e-mail address and I'll add you to the list! :)

P.S. Love these little sidekicks of mine. This is a common activity at our house as I'm cooking dinner.

1 comment:

Taylor Kevan said...

William does this too! I keep hoping that he's going to grow up and LOVE cooking and maybe take over so Luke and I can stop struggling to fix dinner haha