Monday, January 9, 2017

Snow Day

School was canceled one day last week so everything was quiet and white outside. We cuddled around the fire, watched movies, played games, made cookies and enjoyed being together watching the snow fall. 

I LOVE the sunshine of Colorado especially after a snow storm. The boys were anxious to try on their "new" (from a thrift store) snow clothes they got for Christmas. It took 30 minutes to get them dressed and we were outside for 5 minutes. :)



Hot chocolate to warm us all up.


After several cold-stay-at-home-days, we were ready for an adventure. We went to the Y and played basketball.


On Saturday before naps we stopped by our favorite store - Bass Pro. I wonder if the workers have started noticing how we never buy anything. We're just there for the entertainment!

It warmed up Saturday afternoon so the boys shoveled the back porch. Last winter Austin wasn't even walking and now he's outside shoveling like a big kid!!



We stopped by the library to get new books. Austin desperately needs a pet.


I taught sharing time on Sunday and made this CTR game. The kids had a blast. I love primary.

And I LOVE being in primary so see moments like this - Eli volunteered to shake a maraca as we sang happy birthday to the kids celebrating birthdays this week. He's a good sunbeam!


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