Sunday, May 14, 2017

Learning as we go

Last Monday we woke up and the weather was so nice that we decided to run to the zoo. It was my first time not taking a stroller! The boys did great walking around and admiring all the animals - especially this baby girl giraffe!





Photos by Austin and Eli. :)


The gorilla terrified Austin and he's a pretty tough kid to scare.



Eli had a little playdate with Cambelle and then I insisted the boys take car naps.


Our neighbors have the cutest baby bunnies we've watched grow over the past 3 weeks. And Aaron got a new tent. He set it up and decided to leave it up for the boys to see the next morning. They were thrilled!


Eli had a dr's appointment this week and he got two shots and was so brave. He's growing so much and learning so much. It rained a lot this week so we spent Thursday morning at Monkey Business. 




Friday night Aaron took the boys camping - just the three of them for the Aaronic Priesthood Commemoration camp-out (aka father and sons). They had the best time!! I cried because I missed them so much. And because being a mother is a tough job - but while they were away and as I had time to think about being a mother, I realized that this is a tough job because Aaron and I are striving to raise independent, intelligent, hard-working, faith-filled children.  



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