Sunday, May 7, 2017


We got home from Utah on Monday and all week I kept being off on what day it actually was. On Tuesday we had lunch with dad! Deep down I know that we won't always be living 5 minutes from Aaron's work so when he had a free minute for lunch, we took advantage of it and met up!

We went to the story time at the library this week and the librarians decorate the library for all holidays - including May 4th. 



We had our friend Audrey over this week and the kids got a kick out of sidewalk chalk balloons they could pretend to be holding. I went to the temple on Thursday and left feeling so refreshed.


Friday morning Austin told me he found a delicious snack in the pantry - the sugar. We celebrated Cinco de Mayo with tacos at Taco Bueno! The boys and I ate there more than I'd like to admit while Aaron was deployed so it was fun to go back to our regular taco joint. 


And Austin loves wearing his shades. 


Saturday we spent all day working around the house. Aaron worked on the lawn (he's planting new grass" while I washed our bedding, paid bills and got us all ready for church. We ended our work day with taking dad to see our favorite slides!


And big news! Eli woke up with both his bandaids on his thumbs. He's working so hard to stop his habit of sucking his thumb while he sleeps. I was so proud of him because this past week he's been waking up with one bandaid off. :/

The boys matched at church today so when I wanted to take a picture, they thought it would be hilarious to run away! We love these little boys so much - even when they cry during church. Aaron shared his testimony today and Austin screamed so loud for "Dad" that I had to get up and leave. EVERYONE laughed because a few weeks ago, he screamed so loud for meeeeee while I sang in the choir and Aaron had to get up and leave.


Happy May! We're busy with swim lessons and being outside as much as possible over here! 

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