Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Baby GIRL!

Our family is excited to welcome a baby GIRL in January 2018!! 

I'm as tired as I look in this picture at 18 weeks. Hahaha - Aaron had meetings before church so I got the two little boys ready, spent 2 hours serving in nursery, took a nap and then remembered I wanted Aaron to take a picture of my baby bump. :)

I really thought we'd have another little boy. I love boys and felt ready toss another boy into the boy madness at our house. When we were told we're having a GIRL, I was so surprised and so excited too! We really are just grateful to have another little baby - whatever the gender was!

I'm excited to see Eli and Austin with a new baby sister and to see Aaron with a daughter! The boys ask if they can give the baby a hug and then jump on me! 

It's funny because Angela has 2 girls and just a few months ago had a baby boy. As twin sisters, we've had opposite gender babies around the same time. 

Since I've had 2 c-sections already, I realize this may be our last baby. Oh how we love babies and we'd love to have as many as we're able to - I just also realize that having c-sections are a major surgery on my body. I'm so grateful I've recovered each time and we pray the same will be true for this c-section we'll schedule for January. 

I felt really good at the beginning of this pregnancy and was a bit worried that I didn't feel more sick - well, the sickness really kicked around 18 weeks and I've was able to get some medicine to help me feel better. Throwing up multiple times in the morning really gets to me. 

We can't wait to meet you baby, girl!!! Hello to all the pink that's about to be added to our house. :)

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