Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Closing a chapter in our life

The military sure has been a blessing in our life. I've been too emotional to post these pictures!! Aaron ended his time in Active Duty Military on August 1. The boys decided to dress up when Aaron arrived home! It's been scary at times leaving the military that is stable and has been such a blessing to us. Aaron and I have been prayerful for the past year about this decision and so many doors have opened for us, that we knew this was the correct decision for our family, even though people around us have been asking us why. 

Aaron left on Monday for training for his new job. As I paid our tithing for the month of December, Aaron and I were in awe about how much money we've been able to make since receiving Aaron's last pay check in August. The blessings of tithing are real. Aaron and I both had more work opportunities than we were able to handle at times. Aaron got orders from the reserves and worked for several months. He then walked dogs, translated, and did handy work at a hotel for several weeks. I was able to babysit, help my friend take care of her AirB&B (rental property) and rate websites. How grateful we are for opportunities to work. 

And now we're starting a new chapter of our lives and we're excited about it! Change is hard, but also stretches us and allows us to grow.  

We love you, America!

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