Monday, January 24, 2022

A simple week

Monday was Martin Luther King Day so the boys didn't have school and Aaron had the day off too! Aaron and the boys helped our friend Debbie move and then we all went to the movie. I had 4 free tickets so we only had to buy 1 ticket. We haven't all been to the movie theater because it's so expensive. We saw "Sing 2" and we all loved it so much! 

The boys looked extra handsome as they went to school wearing clothes my mom and I found at the thrift store in Colorado when we were there for Thanksgiving. We love a good deal when we find one!

Adelaide found the crackers in the pantry. Silly baby. She loves her crackers. When Eleanor was about this age, she found the chocolate chips in the pantry. 

Eleanor was actually sick this week. She had a fever for a few days and threw up once. We watched a lot of movies. She started saying that her tummy hurt so she could watch more movies. It was nice to be at home so she could rest. On Saturday, she was feeling like her self again and the weather was nice so she showed me her biking skills on her new birthday bike. She's fast!!

Eli played in his first basketball game and the team was awesome. They were actually playing great basketball and it was fun to watch. Each game, the coach gives out awards to players and Eli was given the Christ-like award. We were proud of him! 

Saturday evening our friend Debbie got baptized! I was asked to give a talk on the Holy Ghost and I cried as I testified to her that once she was confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, she would be able to have the Holy Ghost as a constant companion as she keeps the commandments. The baptism was spirit-filled and we loved attending it together as a family. 

Adelaide is still working on her walking skills. I always love holding my baby's hands as they figure out how their legs work!

Our neighbor friend Jackson was diagnosed with leukemia this week and we cried for their family. We have been finding little ways to show them that we're thinking of them with cards and soup and bread. The other night in her personal prayers, I heard Eleanor say, "Please bless Jackson that he can get over his zuekemia." Her little voice was so tender and faith-filled and I imagined Heavenly Father smiling as he listened to her prayer that night. Our friends don't have a church family and I realized how important it is for us to be there for each other as neighbors. I also felt gratitude for our church family and was reminded what a blessing it is that we are organized in wards and stakes so we can know how to take care of one another. 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Birthday girl!

 On Wednesday, Aaron didn't have to go into work until the afternoon so while Eleanor was at preschool, we went on a brunch date! It was so fun. I forgot how much I love brunch places and going on day dates with Aaron. Adelaide came along and a lady mentioned what a good baby she was! We went to First Watch and it's so close to our house and I'm obsessed with it now. The atmosphere was charming and the food was so delicious. 

Eleanor is so helpful these days. I caught her cleaning the bathroom in her ballerina clothes.  

Adelaide is getting more confident with her legs. She stands up all over the place. She isn't quite walking yet, but I know she's so close. 

She makes the cutest little noises when she wants us to notice her standing up. 

The girls had their last day of music class for this semester. They had a teddybear picnic. They love Ms. Meghan. 

On Friday we prepared for Eleanor's birthday! We baked the cake!

Our RS activity was making vision boards. I tossed this after I took a picture, but it was fun finding images that I hope will inspire me this year. 

Austin is taking a TyKwonDoe class for 4 weeks. He looks so cute getting dressed in his attire. 

We felt so blessed when our neighbor asked if we wanted 4 free tickets to the Monster Jam. I told the kids that I know when we pay tithing the windows of heaven are opened. I guess I haven't given tithing enough credit for entertainment as well, like when our neighbor asked if we wanted these tickets. Aaron called up his dad and Duane went with Aaron and the boys. They had a blast. 

Saturday, January 15 was Eleanor's 4th birthday! 4?! She's so big! She woke up very excited for her day. We had Lucky Charms for breakfast and then she opened some presents. She started painting for nails right away and then Grammy visited Eleanor's nail salon as well. :) We woke up to about 4 inches of snow so she loved playing in the snow!

We then made frosting to decorate her cake and some cupcakes. 

We went on a lunch date with Grammy and Grandpa at McCallisters. 

We came back home for cake and ice cream. Eleanor requested a unicorn cake and it turned out so cute. She added a bunch of sprinkles. Sprinkles make everything better. 

She got this new backpack from Grammy and Grandpa. Papa and Grandma Donna sent her a journal with her name on it. She also got a new mermaid for the swimming pool and training wheels for a bike a neighbor gave us. 

I love my mini-me. She is more outgoing than I am and she spins all over the house all day and requests me to turn on more music. She loves having a sister and wrestling with the boys. 

Saturday afternoon Eleanor was invited to her friend's birthday party. She dressed like a princess and everyone sang to her too! It was a cute little party.

On Sunday morning, our church meetings were canceled because of the snow and ice. We've had church had home for 2 Sundays this month now due to weather. We enjoyed a simple church service at home and then we had a new family over that just moved into our ward. It was nice having friends over for dinner!

I did work on the family newsletter that I put together for the Thomas family. We only publish one twice a year, but it seems to be time for another newsletter before I know it. This time we shared memories of my mom and Dianne. I laughed and cried as I read the memories of my mom. I love her. Here she is as a little girl! What a blessing she's been in my life and so many of her siblings and nieces and nephews as well. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Back to school

The boys headed back to school on Thursday after a wonderful Christmas break. Eli and Austin desperately needed a hair cut so I gave them one on Monday. Eleanor begged for one too. She'll be 4 on Saturday and she looked so grown up with her new hair cut!

Our dishwasher has been broken for months. I haven't mind doing the dishes actually, but my hands are definitely more dry now. I remember washing the dishes when I was a a kid and I don't know why I hadn't had the boys wash the dishes until now. They were excited about it. Hopefully the excitement continues. :) Now I don't want to buy a new dishwasher and have the kids become the permanent dishwashers! 

Austin said he was excited to go back to school, but he was also going to miss Adelaide. They're great little friends. 

Eleanor looked pretty fancy going to bed with her clip on earrings and high heels. 
As I practiced the piano this week, the girls set beside me and wanted to play too. I started to get frustrated and wanted to ask them to leave so I could just play, but then I remember listening to my mother play the piano and I loved playing duets with her. I stopped feeling frustrated and decided to let them play along and I hope these moments will create a love of music in them as well. 

Adelaide's physical goal this year is to learn how to walk! The boys love holding her hands and helping her walk along. 

I cried on Wednesday night as I tucked the boys into bed knowing they were headed back to school. We had a very nice Christmas break together. Eli and Austin are so helpful to have around. I cried because I'd miss them during the day!

Since our church was canceled last week because of the snow, Eleanor had her first official day of sunbeams and she loved everything about it. Her great teacher brought fruit loop necklaces for the kids to make. Eleanor was excited to tell us all about it. Austin is also in junior primary so I love that the two of them get to see each other. We love our big sunbeam!! I texted Eleanor's teacher and thanked her for making Eleanor's first class so memorable. Her teacher replied: "She was so great and helped a few other girls who were so nervous today. So thanks to her for being so sweet and helpful. What a cutie you have!!"

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Happy New Year!!

Two days after Christmas I took down all of our Christmas decorations. I took one more picture of Austin and Adelaide before we took down the tree. Austin drew this sweet nativity scene. I'm hoping next year he'll draw one that I can use for our Christmas card. 

Aaron has had the last two weeks off and he spent one day up at his parents' house helping Duane with their house. While he was gone, the kids and I did science experiments. 

Aaron hasn't been to the money museum with us so we decided to go one afternoon. With free tickets, it's a great place to take the family. 

Next we hopped on the street car and toured downtown KC. We stopped at Union Station and saw the Christmas lights and then walked over to the Crown Center and picked up ice cream. 

Aaron's aunt Margaret and her family rented an RV and stopped in KC to visit us. We loved having them! It's nice that we've gotten to see them three times during this year. We picked up BBQ and then went up to Duane and LeeAnn's to ring in the new year. 

We brought in the new year with a dance party! My favorite!

Cheers to 2022! 

Eleanor has been SO excited to be a Sunbeam and church was canceled today because of the weather. It snowed all day Saturday and got really cold. The kids loved finally being able to play in the snow and they've spent hours outside. We had church at home this morning and I told Eleanor that I was excited to be her Sunbeam teacher today! The kids all practiced sharing their testimonies and Eli said - "I know that we are all children of God." I know that simple truth will give our kids purpose and direction as they navigate the world around them. 

Aaron goes back to work tomorrow and I'll miss him! It's been so nice being at home these past two weeks. We've created tons of family memories together. The boys don't start school until Thursday so we get to keep them home for a few more days! 

I love the energy that comes with a new year! Here's to using our time wisely and setting goals to help us be our best selves.