Like I said in my last post, we had a blast in Kansas and I took a billion pictures to remember the fun times.
Grandma Pav came too!
Grandma Pav with her great-granddaughters!
And great-grandsons. This pictures makes me laugh!
Oreo is a great sport with all the little kids around.
Enjoying the outdoors.
A family from church gave my mom this car and the kids played with it for hours.
Water guns also provided hours of entertainment.
As Steele was filling up the bucket, the littles attacked him. Hahaha..
It makes me heart so happy when my babies meet their great-grandparents for the first time.
Swimming!! Eli was an instant fish and had no fear.
The swim crew.
Austin's first time swimming!!
The guys played horseshoes for hours. And hours. And hours.
And now Aaron wants to put one in our backyard so he can practice. Ha!
Here is the tractor extravaganza!
And then the fireworks. Aaron spent $100 and my dad and Bryan bought lots too. It was quite the party!! Aaron said he hasn't been in a state for a decade where fireworks are legal. Eli LOVED everything about the fireworks! His face says it all.
I cried at church on Sunday when we sang, "The Star-Spangled Banner." In the 3 short years that Aaron has been in the military, I've witnessed what it truly means that men and woman sacrifice so much for our freedom. We love America! (Especially Kansas!)
It was the most perfect time together. We miss everyone!
No place like home! best trip ever!!!
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