Sunday, September 27, 2020

Home Projects

Eleanor helped me make our FHE treat - sugar free jello. It's a family favorite.  

We've been working on our house projects non-stop it seems. It's looking so nice though!! The boys helped me prime the walls in preparation for Aaron to paint. 

Eleanor mixed all the playdough colors together. No seem to mind. Austin made this elephant that I loved! Eleanor wanted to show her creation as well. 

I found Eleanor reading a book to all her friends. Her bedding was being washed and she sat on the bed and started reading. She sure loves all her friends. 

More priming. I spent all day on Thursday priming. Eleanor was a champ and played most of the day by herself. We did turn on music and that always helps everyone feel motivated. 

On Friday we drove out to Duane and LeeAnn's house and enjoyed dinner around a fire. The construction on their house as begun and we enjoyed taking a tour and seeing the progress. We got home around 10:45 p.m and the kids were all asleep in the car. Everyone slept in the next morning and it was lovely. 

Here are more pics of everyone priming and painting Saturday away...

Aaron finished the piano room around 11 p.m. We both love how it's turning out! We have the rest of the first floor to finish. I'd love to have it all done in a few weeks. 

Aaron captured this picture of Austin reading Eleanor a book. These Volk kids are obsessed with books. 

We had a nice Sunday together at home today. The weather was cooler and raining and it felt warm and cozy in our home as we worshipped together. 

Next weekend is GENERAL CONFERENCE and we are all VERY excited about it. General Conference truly is a treat and I'm so grateful we have the chance to listen to conference while in our homes. Even with the pandemic, we're still able to listen to our prophet speak to us. What a blessing! 

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