Thursday, October 13, 2016

Beautiful clouds

The weather warmed up today and the sunshine is just what I needed. The clouds were extra beautiful today. Eli and Austin love flying on my feet.


Eli took this picture of me reading the newspaper and I didn't even notice until I saw the pictures on my phone tonight. I worry about the upcoming election. I've been reading everything about it and praying for the best. Eli loves doing his "homework" book. It's amazing to me how little children really do copy what they see and hear others around them do - like homework! Eli's spent the last two years hearing Aaron talk about his homework so he enjoys doing his homework book like dad.


It's late. The house is so quiet. I should be in bed, but I took a long nap this afternoon so I can't fall asleep, but the nap felt oh so great. I put Austin down for his nap and then told Eli it was quiet time (even though it was only 11:30 a.m.) and I heard Eli come into my room and flip through the pages of the Ensign. I woke up an hour later in a panic to find Eli asleep in his own bed. He told me after his nap that he got a cookie while I was sleeping. Haha. I love these boys. I'm so exhausted each night and especially this week for some reason. Aaron wrote me a letter this week and said parenting should be exhausting if we're doing it right. I agree! :) I didn't have the energy to make dinner and clean it up so we had McDonalds for dinner. The boys were thrilled with a happy meal. 

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