Monday, October 10, 2016

Our day

The Y has a little preschool on Monday mornings for Eli so after I ran today, I picked up Austin from childwatch and we went swimming. Just the two of us! And he's a feisty little swimmer so in all reality, I'm nervous to go swimming with both boys. 


Whenever I take pictures like this, I think about using them as proof that they both loved "practicing" the piano when they were younger. I hope they always love practicing the piano, but just in case. :)


Safety first. And Austin's face! HAHAHA


We played outside all afternoon with the neighbor kids. The weather was amazing today. Eli picked me this flower from our yard and Austin pulled off the stickers from our pumpkin.


While dinner was in the oven, we made flubber. And after FHE, I folded clothes and then left for a second and returned to see that Austin had put the clothes back in the hamper. He loves taking things apart and then putting them back together.


Tonight I wondered what we did today and then I looked at the pics on my phone and realize why I'm exhausted! :) 

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