Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Christmas decorating

The day after Thanksgiving, Jenny and I woke up early to hit the Black Friday sales. We had a great time together and returned home to everyone putting up the Christmas decorations!! 


A favorite mom moment: Eli asked my mom why baby Jesus in the nativity only had a diaper on. My mom said maybe she could make a little blanket for baby Jesus so he wouldn't be cold. Austin's blanket was sitting in the living room and I asked Austin if baby Jesus could use his blanket. He processed to get his blanket and then smash it on baby Jesus. Love your willingness to share something that you love dearly, Austin. I pray you'll always be willing to give your very best to the Savior. 


And within 1 hour, my boys broke 2 glass ornaments. 


Thomas the Train! My parents' neighbor has a blow-up Thomas the Train and every evening, we bundle up and go and say hi to Thomas. Austin will say, "Hi Thomas! Christmas lights up."


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