Saturday, November 19, 2016

Little things



This morning we went to an indoor trampoline place and Eli and Austin love it more and more each time we go! I laugh watching them run around with big smiles on their faces. 

This weekend is Stake Conference for my parents' stake and since it's not my home stake, I contemplated going to the Saturday evening adult session. Aaron and I strive to make it a priority to go to the Saturday evening session, so I wanted to keep to that commitment. We went to the church and although I don't know how much I really heard as I was trying to keep two little boys somewhat reverent, this scripture did stick out in my mind...

Doctrine and Covenants 64:33

"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great."

This is way I take my boys with me to the Saturday evening adult session of Stake Conference even when it's not my home stake - out of small things proceedeth that which is great!

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