Friday, May 6, 2022

Lots of pictures

Our previous home teacher from CO Springs sent us a text to wish Eli a happy birthday. It was so thoughtful of him because I know he's busy being the bishop, a dad, husband and grandpa. As I thought about Wess Chambers, I went back to my journal and didn't realize how much I had talked about him in my journal. I know this is just a silly little blog, but I was inspired to continue to write about each week. My kids love it and so do I. 

Adelaide made quiet a mess at lunch. 

The weather was nice on Wednesday and the boys get out early and we had a free pass to the zoo... so we decided to run to the zoo. We don't do a lot of activities after school so we enjoyed it! 

I caught Austin saying his evening prayers. I'm grateful that he prays. Recently there was a storm in the evening and he woke up and came running to me. I tucked him back in and he asked if I would say a prayer with him. I told him that I hope he'll always turn to prayer when he's feeling nervous or scared. 

National Take Your Child To Work Day was on Thursday, April 28. The school asked that we fill out a form in order for the boys to be excused. I wrote on the paper that my job is a homemaker and the boys would be spending the day with me. I thought I was clever. We went down to Aaron's work and had a tour! We haven't been inside since we first moved here in 2019. We loved meeting Aaron's co-workers and the kids' favorite part was the candy that people offered them. 

Aaron treated us all to lunch! It was a happy day! We love that Aaron works so hard to provide for us. This week especially has been exhausting for him, but he keeps at it and we love him for it. 

We participated in the neighborhood garage sale with a few of our neighbors. The girls wanted to buy everything our neighbors were selling. Eleanor did spend a few of her dollars to buy some new toys and I made a few dollars so I guess we broke even. 

Friday night Aaron and I went on a date to Vocal Point. It was a blast!! They are so talented and my only regret is that I didn't take the kids with us. They would have loved it too. 

Saturday, April 30 Eli woke up as a 9 year old!! 9!! Eli is the best big brother. 

We cheered Austin on at his soccer game. He scored two goals again. I think soccer is his sport!

The kids set up a snow cone stand and made $36 that they split with friends because they helped with the snow cones as well. Aaron and I invested in a nice machine so the kids can sell snow cones all summer long. I'm grateful that my dad bought some vending machines when we were kids in order to teach us about money and business. 

Eli invited some friends over to celebrate his birthday. He has such nice friends that we loved having in our home. 

He planned a sports themed party with a basketball piƱata and pizza. The kids then played soccer, football and basketball. 

Grandpa Volk joined in the party fun too!

Oh and Eli played the piano for his friends. 

We love that Eli always has his nose in a book, loves to have people around to play with, wrestles Austin, teases Eleanor and Adelaide and is a leader. He's quick to obey and loves to tell me about all that happened at school. He recently wrote a talk for primary and he's a great writer and speaker like his dad. My first baby boy is growing up and I realized that in 9 years, he'll be graduating from High School and preparing for a mission. We loved celebrating Eli all day!

On Sunday, Aaron and I subbed for sunbeams. I cried hearing the kids sing the song they're singing for Mother's Day. 

After church, we went on a temple walk to admire the beautiful flowers and the lovely feeling of being on the temple ground. 

It's an amazing blessing for us to be minutes from the temple and to see it every day. 


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